How get free gems in dragoncity

Many wonder about how they may have gems for free on dragoncity, the truth is very easy to have free gems there are 2 free methods and 1 that real money is needed, explain the 3 methods and how to have gems in dragoncity.

So they serve the gems in dragoncity

Gems are used to have benefits in this game as existing in list:
  • Make that buildings don't need to wait hours until they can be used.
  • Buy Dragons of all types, legendary, hybrid.
  • Pass event or missions, of which if complete 3 give you a dragon with 3 very rare elements.
  • Buy food without limits, buy gold, eggs.
  • Give birth to eggs fast, grow in the same way your dragons.
  • Buy Hábitads, buildings, totens, ornaments and rare items.

Now I want to clarify about the so-called hack: these are programs whose use is to abuse the vulnerability of dragoncity and have benefits without having that long ago in my case I prefer to call it programs.

The use of these programs or hack, is not allowed since it is illegal, but luckily the all who are around are programs that ask download or tell you download useless that give or benefit you only change values in the source code and ready, you update and everything in order.

But that does not mean that they do not exist and are not here to talk about if us to know the legal methods to have gems in dragoncity.



The same game gives you the option of buying gems online, so it is very easy to purchase them only need bank account or paypal credit card and other methods of payment that are available and have money.

You show the amount of gems you want and value in real currency costs, commonly are for dollars.


Dragoncity likes to give gems but not in quantities to afford it rather gives gems by events which each que visites dragoncity never locks cartels can miss a draw of gems.

Another way is inviting every new friend that you invite to your friends who have never played dragoncity, in this way will give you a gem to more friends more gems.


To access these you must click the gems in the game icon you see the option to buy with real money and cost asu will say, have free gems.

Choose free gems, aya there will be options to fill and which will give you gems for completing them, while more difficult be more gems will give you.

Here a sample of gems that earn legally without hacks or programs, legal may be better and even better is that it has no problems.

2 Responses to "How get free gems in dragoncity"

  1. Johns6/6/14

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  2. Anónimo6/6/14

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